Strong single notes and harmonious chords.
韦恩弗莱特音乐项目开始于bet365官网最早的学生在幼儿项目中创作自己的歌曲,并尝试乐器和节奏, and is integral to our Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School curriculum.
学生们接触到各种各样的乐器、风格、文化和传统. 他们在维恩弗利特和更大的社区里单独表演,也作为正式合奏的一部分表演. 他们有机会获得特殊的私人音乐指导和令人兴奋的丰富课程, like electronic music composition, if they wish to supplement their classroom learning. 每一位韦恩弗莱特的学生都要学会欣赏音乐表达的力量和潜力.
Mary Jane Pagenstecher
Director of Performing 艺术
An integral part of our entire curriculum.
音乐 in Early Childhood and Lower School
In the Lower School music program, students develop musical literacy through creative participation in individual and group experiences; gain understanding of our rich musical heritage and those of other 文化; and develop an appreciation of the connections between music and other forms of artistic expression. 纳入这些指导原则的是由州和国家艺术教育标准定义的相关研究领域. These include listening, creating/improvising, 运动, 节奏, 唱歌, reading and writing notation, playing instruments, and evaluating and understanding artistic culture.
低年级的音乐课程为探索性游戏提供了必要的时间和空间, 并提供了指导学生对音乐形式和理解的脚手架.
音乐 in Middle School
Grade 6 and 7 classes
In formal classes that meet twice a week, 学生在不同的表演艺术学科中获得技能和经验. Over the two-year span, students spend one full semester in general music as well as dance, 戏剧, and production technology. 这四门课是探索性的、经验性的,并且在主题上相互联系.
Grade 6–8 Ensembles
中学生参加六个表演团体中的一个,每周排练两次. 六年级学生将bet365官网乐队、室内乐或合唱团的合奏音乐制作. 七年级和八年级学生在乐队中进行更高级的合奏工作, Chamber Ensemble, 和合唱. 所有的合唱团在冬季和春季的正式音乐会上表演,在学校的日子里为学校社区进行非正式的分享.
音乐 in Upper School
Waynflete音乐合奏是一年的,有学分的课程(½学分). 乐团为富兰克林剧院正式音乐会的演出准备曲目, school events throughout the year, 有时与其他乐团和/或学校合作.
Acoustic Roots Ensemble
这个新班面向对弹吉他感兴趣的学生开放, 班卓琴, 尤克里里琴, and dobro in an ensemble setting. Students provide their own instruments. In addition to building technical skills on their instruments, students will expand their understanding of music theory, develop music-reading skills, and explore music from a range of acoustic genres.
Chamber Ensemble
Chamber music is an intimate form of music-making 没有指挥,每个独特而重要的音乐线都有一两个演奏者. 学生探索小合奏曲目,特别强调平衡, 调优, stylistic interpretation, and individual leadership as the music demands. 曲目选择和调整为特定的仪器可用. 室内乐合奏团还在每年三月举办的维恩弗利特邀请弦乐器节上主持并演出. All string and wind players are welcome.
合唱团是开放给有兴趣的学生谁分享合唱的激情-不需要事先的经验. Emphasis is placed on building a cohesive community, vocal training, part 唱歌, stylistic interpretation, music literacy, and musical understanding. Singers explore music from various styles, 文化, and traditions, including contemporary a cappella and musical theater, and investigate the power of song to heal, 团结起来, tell stories, and even inspire change.
Band and Jazz Combo
Open to all wind, 黄铜, 打击乐器, 吉他, and bass players, 乐团探索了传统乐队的曲目以及各种风格的爵士音乐,包括摇摆乐, 洗牌, 恐慌, 爵士乐-rock/fusion, 民谣, 拉丁, 和岩石. Students provide their own instruments. While building technical skills on their instruments, 学生扩展他们对音乐理论的理解和发展音乐阅读技能. 同时也非常强调即兴表演技巧的发展. 爵士组合仅限于九名演奏者,他们表现出对爵士表演和音乐的卓越承诺. 会员资格是通过邀请获得的(将于9月确定),玩家也可以加入Band.
Additional 音乐 Opportunities:
参加Waynflete乐团的学生也可以参加校外声乐和器乐音乐节的试镜. 机会包括由缅因州音乐教育家协会赞助的第二区和全州乐团, as well as some regional and national festivals. 对于bet365官网的学生来说,这是与杰出的客座指挥合作,与其他充满激情和先进的学生音乐家见面和演出的绝佳机会.
Enrichment 音乐 Instruction
学生也可以报名参加个人或小组器乐和声乐课程,通过bet365官网的丰富音乐计划. 声乐课程和各种各样的乐器可供初学者以及更高级的音乐家使用. 今年, 课程将根据学生的情况进行面对面和在线授课, 老师, and type of lesson. bet365官网的导师是具有音乐教育学位的专业音乐家和/或表演录音艺术家, 作曲家, concert musicians, and 老师s spanning all musical genres, including classical, 民间, 爵士乐, 和岩石. To learn more, email .
Coffeehouse–Sharing of Original Works
音乐家们被鼓励为bet365官网的年度咖啡馆创作原创和创新的作品. This event celebrates creativity, risk-taking, and self-expression by featuring student playwrights, 作曲家, 词曲作者, choreographers, 诗人, 喜剧演员, and more in a casual performance setting. 表演艺术团队的成员与学生密切合作,提供指导,因为他们朝着这个事件的工作.
Waynflete Intergenerational 合唱
这个社区建设和音乐创作合奏团让歌手(4-12年级)和教职员工并肩创作音乐,相互bet365官网. Weekly rehearsals are held before and after the regular school day. Waynflete Intergenerational 合唱 (a.k.a. “WIC”)在各种学校活动中表演,包括毕业典礼和音乐会.
A wide variety of performance ensemble opportunities.